White Rock Friends
White Rock Friends is an outreach to people who are HIV positive. It started as
a Tuesday lunch for anyone who wanted to attend and grew rapidly to the point where
they now have the White Rock General Store. This store allows HIV positive people
who do not have the economic means, to receive items at a substantial discount.
These items include products for personal hygiene and cleaning supplies. The store
even gives away pet supplies as it is shown that HIV patients respond well to having
The center is looking for a new web site. The site will be mainly for letting the
community know who the ministry is, how the public can help, and keep everyone updated
on current activities. Though it was not requested by the center, it would be smart
to have a bilingual site as their fastest growing group is Hispanic women.
The theme of the site should be uplifting and inspirational. However, they requested
that the front page be grim in nature as to show the devastation of the disease
and then the inner pages should be full of color to show that there is much hope
to be had.
They are open to any branding suggestions however theey do have a logo so if that
could be blended in that would be great.
The head of the center, Douglas, will be maintaining the site so a simple CMS solution
would be best. The would only update 5 to 6 times a month and this would include
text and image changes.