Volunteer Center of North Texas

Volunteer Center of North Texas Logo


the Volunteer Center of North Texas has played matchmaker to thousands of nonprofit organizations needing assistance – and countless volunteers anxious to help them. Since 1971, organizations serving a myriad of causes addressing everything from animal advocacy to violence prevention have relied on the Volunteer Center as their source of volunteers who want to make a difference.

The Volunteer Center of North Texas makes close to 81,000 traditional volunteer referrals annually. The time these volunteers devote to the community, combined with the hours worked by volunteers ordered to perform community service as part of their probation, adds up to more than two and half million hours! That figure multiplied by $18.04, the current estimated value of volunteer time, translates to the equivalent of work performed by more than 1,200 full-time employees at a value to the community nearly $78 million dollars. Another $10 million worth of material resources distributed through our Donated Goods Center brings the amount of total impact to $88 million.


The objectives of our proposal is to make selection of projects and registration easier for volunteers to do and make a selection and registration all web based. Currently, we use multiple websites and paperwork to achieve this goal. It is not very efficient. We wish to improve our efficiency improve our accuracy and make signing up for volunteer projects easy and pleasant for users.

Our vision is to have an online calendar where online visitors may search for, discover and register to volunteer for projects needing volunteers. For example, see

What we currently use:

We are trying to separate ourselves from the HandsOn Technologies (HOT) group and handle the information ourselves because to use HOT, we have to manually enter the data a second time. We wish to use our own database and own our data onsite in an automated fashion. We would like a calendar format, one month to a page with events listed on the day of the activity. Those events come from our database and users may select events and register for any particular event. Permit users to book overlapping events as some may register as a group.

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