Theatre Three
Theatre Three


Theatre Three’s is a 501 c 3 not for profit corporation organized to serve education and culture. To amplify the educational service – a primary goal of Theatre Three -- Theatre Three is organizing an alliance high school drama educators and other not for profit performing organizations in Greater Dallas


This is a website to supply its users with information on what’s available to share and providing systems of sharing among Theatre Three and constituent teachers of drama, chiefly high school theatre teachers.

Our goal is to efficiently share physical resources. chiefly from Theatre Three’s stock consisting of furniture, props and stage devices (example: lighting instruments). We call this the “web warehouse” component of the proposed web site;

And to share ideas, schedule information, identification of other resources, etc. among the teaches themselves.

It is Theatre Three’s plan to share the “web warehouse” access to other not-for-profit educational organizations which are not schools, but other not for profit performances organizations, particularly the smaller theatre organizations that produce in the Greater Dallas Area.

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