Red Letters Campaign (HopeMongers)
The Red Letters Campaign is about mobilizing Christians to end extreme poverty.
Our mission is focused on the 2.5 billion people in the world who cannot meet the
basic needs for survival (safe drinking water, lack of food, basic articles of clothing,
rudimentary shelter, basic health care and fundamental education). Our end game
is ultimately self-sufficient, sustainable economic progress for the world's poor.
Our role is twofold:
- Cultivate community of believers who share a passion and commitment for this issue
- Connect the community with pre-screened partners who offer opportunities for meeting
needs including project-based funding and in-country trips.
The first part of this application is focused at pre-screened partners. For our
launch we will have two initial partners: Children’s HopeChest (http://www.hopechest.org/)
and Living Water (http://water.cc/). Partners should be able to login, create a
short profile, list specific projects for specific amounts. The second part of this
application enables partners to post project updates to the site through their own
public blog on the site. We would prefer to use a technology like Telligent's Community
Server for this.
The second part of this application is focused on visitors. Visitors should be able
to view the full list of projects and filter by Region, Project Type, Status; they
should also be able to sort by Loan Amount, Amount Left, Old to New, New to Old;
or Partner. Visitors should have the option to move directly to Check Out or to
click on a project to get more detail. On this page they should be able to fund
all or a portion of that project with a minimum contribution of $25. Upon checkout,
visitors should become members complete with login id and the ability to review
all past projects to which they have contributed. Payment is the part I’m least
clear on. At this point, I think ideally they should be able to pay with a Credit
Card or something like PayPal. There should be a page that confirms the sale and
let’s them tell their friends about RLC.
Further, the application will enable visitors to easily create links to these projects
in their blogs, on Facebook and other web sites. The goal is to encourage the visitors’
friends to also get involved with these projects.