Child Abuse Prevention Center of DFW
The Child Abuse Prevention Center works to empower its clients by teaching positive
parenting methods and supporting parents in strengthening their families, emotionally,
economically, physically, and socially.
CAP Center is a key provider of prevention
services for at-risk children and families in Dallas County.
We need improved site layout, functionality, and appearance. We would like the addition
of Silverlight or Flash and a more dynamic menuing system to make the site content
more engaging and intuitively accessible to the user. Look and feel should have
consistent elements and be easily updatable.
The only content addition that we are asking for is an interactive calendar of events
that will allow people to view upcoming events and register for those events on-line.
A database backend would be beneficial for the calendar content and registration
information. There should be a form to collect general information if the user would
like to be contacted with additional information or general volunteer opportunities.
Extras that are not a requirement of this project but that CAP will be addressing
if they are not addressed during this weekend is the need for a Spanish version
of the site or a translation method and a new logo for the organization.
Technically, the site needs to work with a Covio add-in that provides a donation
interface, tell a friend, and an on-line community. The add-in is integrated via
Java based links to a Covio site. The SSL and data management is handled by Covio
after the user is redirected. The Covio java snippits have been technically challenging
at times so they will need to be tested to be sure they are working properly. We
also have several links to external sites including our eBay Giving Works store
and an online child abuse reporting site. We are currently talking to Charity Finders
to get details on how we may be able to link with them.