.NET Rocks! to Broadcast from Event
Posted by Toi B Wright at 01/13/2010 9:22 PM
This year, Richard Campbell, co-host of the insanely popular .NET Rocks!, www.dotnetrocks.com,
podcasts will be on-site at this weekend’s We Are Microsoft event! While he’s here,
he’ll be talking with representatives from the charities and their development teams,
recording content for his popular internet talk shows. Be on the look-out for Richard
as he makes his way around the area, and be sure to sign up for an interview slot
on Friday after the kickoff meeting!
.NET Rocks! is a weekly talk show for anyone interested in programming on the Microsoft
.NET platform. The shows range from introductory information to hardcore geekiness.
Many of our listeners download the mp3 files and burn CDs for the commute to and
from work, or simply listen on a portable media player.
.NET Rocks! host Carl Franklin has been quoted in Wired Magazine and The New York
Times as an early pioneer of Podcasting, a technology for automatically downloading
new shows as they become available.
